Brave Search Help

Brave Search privacy notice

Brave Search is designed to be private by default. We don’t collect personal information about you, your device or your searches. We also don’t transmit information to the web that could be used to profile you or track you or learn anything about you. Your searches are private to YOU.


You can provide us with anonymous feedback at any time. Please do not provide any personal data in the feedback form. Learn more.

Usage metrics

If you allow us, we’d like to obtain anonymous and aggregated metrics to help us improve Brave Search. By metrics we mean, aggregated data about things such as the number of visits daily/weekly/monthly to Brave Search. How many users have chosen to leave feedback. The operating system of the device you visited us from (for example, Android, Windows or MacOS). Metrics data can’t be used to identify you or your device or to learn anything about you individually. Learn more.

Anonymous local results

Brave search provides the option to opt-out of anonymous local results. With anonymous local results, when you search for “cafes near me” or “food near me” Brave Search will use the IP address broadcast by your device but without sharing that IP address and without storing it. This means we can’t tie your searches to you and your location. Nor can anyone else. It remains private to you. Learn more.

Ads on Brave Search

Brave will record clicks and views of Ads promoted on Brave Search. This is to help Brave measure the effectiveness of Brave Search Ads. No personal data is processed and nothing is stored on Brave’s servers or otherwise accessed or stored on a user’s device. We cannot link the measurement data back to individuals or their devices, nor build profiles of individuals or their devices over time. Learn more.

We also infer the country location associated with clicks and views of Ads on Brave Search. This is based on a device IP address.  We do not retain IP addresses.


We have taken care to ensure that Brave does not process data that relates to individuals or from which individuals can be identified, when they use Goggles. Learn more about Goggles.

Google fallback mixing

As a new search engine and as the ranking index and algorithms for Brave Search are refined it’s possible that a search may not return the results you were expecting. In this case, you can choose to enable Google Fallback Mixing. If you choose this, Brave will anonymously check Google search and mix the results in the Brave browser and add the clicked result to Brave’s search index. Learn more.

Service Integrity

We temporarily process IP addresses to detect and prevent bots in order to ensure the integrity and availability of the service for all users. IP addresses are not retained but are deleted within seconds.

To learn more details about the above and Brave Search please visit the help pages.